So about that last post…Just Kidding!

After swinging out to the coast to visit some family, we were about 40 miles into the trip when our clutch completely failed in Vallejo. We were able to limp into a Marriott across from a Six Flags theme park… and that’s where we spent the first 3 days of our trip.

We made the best of it, but it was a bit deflating…and made us (me) question the whole premise of the trip. What the hell are we thinking crossing the country in this outdated hunk of junk with our small children? Did we think a 40 year old car would just be “ok” for 4000 miles? Can a dream be powered by naieevity?
In any event, the van got towed, the clutch got fixed, we regrouped be and set out a week after our initial start date. There was still enough momentum and gumption to make it happen.
So….away we go, delayed, dismayed, but not defeated.