Backpacks | Bikes | Buses

Doesn’t matter how you go, as long as you go…

The Mello Ajellos have loved to travel since day 1 (quite literally for the the younger ones), and part of travel for us is documenting that travel and sharing with our friends and family.

This is the archive of our adventures…


Etawah part 1: ring ceremony

Etawah part 1: ring ceremony

Firozabad -->Etawah: ~70 km, 100 degrees As we got closer to Etawah we began looking for a place to sleep. According 'the Internet' maps checked the night before, there were a couple options, one called hotel Krishna. Turned out to be a truckstop for the many...

Maximum Village

Maximum Village

Holy cows.  Many times before this trip we talked to people and agreed "Yes, it will be hard." Such a simple statement....but until you are the heat, the insane traffic, and the masses of people, there is no way to comprehend it.  An Indian man rode up next...

The Vahana Adventure – Intro

The Vahana Adventure – Intro

The Vahana Adventure Vāhana (वाहन, skt. that which carries, that which pulls)denotes the being, typically an animal or mythical entity, a particular deva is said to use as a vehicle. The vahana and deity to which they support are in a reciprocal relationship. Vahana...

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