by melloajello | Feb 9, 2011 | Spinning Southward
UPDATE: The screening was a great success, thanks to everyone who showed up and shared in the film, as well as donated to the NBTS. Was great to relive it yet again and hear all the great stories from other epic bike touring adventures. What: Spinning Southward...
by melloajello | Sep 2, 2010 | Spinning Southward
The fundraising page for the Spinning Southward Documentary is up: This site allows you to donate directly to the NBTS on behalf of the Documentary, as well as see the funds raised so...
by melloajello | Aug 26, 2010 | Spinning Southward
UPDATE: Thanks to the National Brain Tumor Society for helping us put together the San Jose screening, it was a great event and wonderful to finally see the finished product of all our hard work on Spinning Southward! For More Photos of the Event Click here Above...
by melloajello | Aug 20, 2010 | Spinning Southward
Spinning Southward added to the IMDB. Go vote for it so we can get a better ranking! IMDB page here:
by melloajello | Nov 24, 2009 | Borp
“Faces of the Revolution” are stories of the people who make BORP’s Revolution Happen. Once a year BORP (The Bay Area Outreach Program) has “The Revolution,” a ride to support the work they do for people with disabilities. This is a look...
by melloajello | Sep 9, 2009 | Spinning Southward
It was my honor this year to receive “The Community Leader Award for Awareness.” I got to fly to Washington DC and stay at a beautiful hotel, and I got to see what was really going on in the brain tumor community. You can see the article on the National...
by melloajello | Jul 5, 2009 | Spinning Southward
…It has been 3 years now since all parted ways in Ushuaia. John left and sped home to New York and a long neglected and amazingly patient girlfriend. He took up work where he is today, at Malaria No More. Nate hitched a ride to Chile to make good on a promise he...
by melloajello | May 10, 2009 | Spinning Southward
Here’s the second trailer for the Spinning Southward Documentary, a special version focused on our mothers and released on mothers day.
by melloajello | Apr 15, 2009 | Spinning Southward
The upcoming Spinning Southward Santa Rosa Screening was featured in the local Santa Rosa paper. Thanks Bob Padecky! You can read it here: